Last post of the year....Check it out....!
2013.....BYE....BYE.....GOODBYE 2013.....
Dear Friends,
It's time to bid adieu to 2013 and time to welcome 2014 with lots of love and hope.....
2013 journey was at roller coaster speed....I enjoyed
the & downs...happiness & sadness...thrills...surprises.....exciting
moments...unexpected events....
I will cherish it life long...
I take this opportunity to thank my dear and near ones
for all the love, care and support they have given me.
~~HaPpY NeW YeAr~~
Rock On!
Celebrate Life!
I have a letter for you......
Dear Godji,
You always rock yaar! Tussi great ho! You have poured a lot of
blessings upon me and others. I am grateful for it....
Everybody HOPES....hope that they will be alive
tomorrow...Though there is an uncertainty. No one else other than you can
predict whether we be alive the next moment but still we believe and live with
this HOPE and that is the reason we save things for tomorrow...Right?
But this Hope is the reason for many worries...
What is tomorrow for us? How will 2014 be? Needs are more
because of this HOPE but without this HOPE; life doesn't have any meaning...
There are a variety of HOPES. Hope to earn more money, Hope to
be famous. Hope to have material possessions. Hope to fulfill your dreams.
Though their eyes were shining with this unique HOPE, I felt the
hidden pain in their eyes.
This pain had made their life worse each day, but still they had
this HOPE that their heart will beat even tomorrow and they will breathe even
God, Let my each breathe and heart beat be the prayers for their
They are not worried about death...they don't have any fears
about it...
They are certain they will leave this world soon but they just
hope to live few more days....
God, only few more days without any pain......and they deserve
better than this torture.
I never understand such plans of you. Only thing I realize is
sometimes you are cruel too.
Let they suffer no pain God, I request you
Save their life, please God, I plead to you.
It cost them a lot....physically and mentally. Chemotherapy is the last option they have and the pain they suffer...God why are you being rude?
Is it because we humans have become arrogant, demanding and
greedy?But dear God when you punish...even the innocent people are
I feel pity for myself that I can do nothing...other than
With love,
Your child
Here ends the last post for 2013....
BIENVENIDO 2014.....Welcome....Warm Welcome 2014...
Everything starts with a HOPE. 2014 is
full of hopes.
Let happiness multiply...
Let peace and
prosperity spread across...
Let beautiful things happen...
Let science and technology develop
without giving up moral values and ethics....
That’s all for now....Enjoy every
moment of 2014!
Let this Zest keep you going in the coming days...
See you all soon!
Till then...take care....and...take care
of dear ones...
H.O.P.E ~ Helping Other People Everywhere....